Brand / Identity / Website / System Design

The founders claim their position in the community.


After starting the first AMI Montessori school in Squamish, BC, SMS was no longer the only school in town — Michelle and Lindsey approached Humanfolk looking for help with a relevancy problem. There was a new school that had opened and few small “schools” that had popped up in the area, SMS was no longer the only player in town. Through a series of in depth workshops we uncovered a desire to easily produce professional communication to their audience, accelerate and streamline internal processes, and launch a new face for the school—one that can grow with the ambitions they have for the company and most importantly begin the process of systemizing the entire company.


A bold playful identity focused on simplicity and intention, designed to stand apart from the other Montessori schools in Canada. The goal was to provide SMS with a presence that acts as a leader for the industry and as an educational body. Keeping the system to only a few elements allowed SMS to have communication tools that they can use in house avoiding the burden of ongoing production costs. SMS never had an issue with generating more students, this about solidifying a future position for the school in the market. Through our system design workshop we developed solutions to leverage software already available at the school to build workflows and created processes to accelerate operations. These systems now source the key actions for managing communication with parents, marketing, enrollment, and application.

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